Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Skin-crawling-hair-raising adventures

Ive been off the beam. Really off. I havent able to write or think of anything other than getting out of NYC. I can't stand it anymore..being away from home, not being able to do anything except work... Somedays, I can't stand another minute.

Tonight, the RAIN and WIND. Everything was soaked, my shoes, my socks, my wool coat, my purse, my hair. I broke out in a MAJOR case of HIVES. My skin is attacking me. My neck and back and face and stomach and legs are full of large oozing welts. I itch everywhere and it HURTS...Stings. I sat paralyzed on the train, freezing wet and itching.

Nope, doesnt get any better than this. NO...wait...traffic for an hour after getting off the train. My windshield wipers are not working properly....can't see. Sludge. I am exhausted. I hate this. I need, I need...

Well, now I am covered in benadryl trying to figure out what the heck I am allergic to. Help. I wish bernie was here.


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