Monday, December 08, 2003

The Gospel According to Leonardo

My cousin Lenny died. Leonardo Certa was the son of my Uncle Vincent and Aunt Bella. Lenny was beautiful in every way. He was physically gorgeous and endlessly spiritual. An avid runner, lover of nature and people. He was a poet. He won various awards for his writing and was in the process of writing is interpetation of the Holy Gospel. Lenny was a carpenter who suffered the throws of heroin addiction and beat it. He was severely injured falling from a roof and then began writing. He was the father of two beauiful and sucessful daughters, Camille and Sabina. His perfect mate and wife of 25 or more years, Ginger, died a few years ago from the same type of cancer he had...multiple myloma. They were like peas in a pod...sort of like my parents. Lenny and Ginger. I can't believe they are both gone. Lenny could pull off wearing pink. He had long curly blonde Robert Plant or Peter Frampton back in the day. Lenny was always hip and peerlessly cool.

I am glad he is no longer in pain and reunited with his beloved Ginger. Farwell for now, Leonardo.


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