Wednesday, April 14, 2004

The Little Silver Sugar Stealer

Every morning (on the mornings I venture to gotham to earn my keep) I board the NJ Transit express at Little Silver. There is a lovely woman who serves up delicious Kobricks coffee ("you know, they serve this brand at Mumfords and the NJ PAC")
Sometime between the 7:15 am train and the 7:58...someone steals all the sugar packets the lovely woman provides for our coffee drinking pleasure. Not only the sugar, they take the Sweet n Low, Equal and Splenda, too.

Almost every morning, I bring her the sweetner-less containers. "Looks like they struck again!" I say...with dismay, as she hands me a packet of Splenda. "One day I'll catch them in the act!" she vows. I say, "Why not simply keep the sugar where you can see it?" Or better yet, dole it out as necessary.

I suppose by paying the $1.80 per large cup of delicious Kobricks coffee (served with pleasure @ Mumfords and the NJ PAC) Folks should be able to endulge in as much sweetener as they like...?

I have theories, of course. Could it be the guy in the Jeep who blasts the Grateful Dead? Could it be one of the South American ladies who disembark each morning from the north-bound train....the nannies and housekeeper of this affluent berg? Could it be one of these polished, poised businessman who simply harbors a secret thrill for stealing sugar packets? The possibilies are endless.


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