Sunday, December 14, 2003

I think too much.
I take too much on and feel responsible for the world.
I have to remember I am still in charge.
Sometimes its so difficult to always have to be the bad guy, when I am enforcing the greater good.
Being a parent is not easy, especially alone.

Tonight I did a fair share of complaining to Bernie. I really don't want to do this, because he never ever complains. He always takes whatever situation and turns it around for good. He seems to always know what to say. I overreact, say whatever gut-level thing come to mind. He thinks things out...sorts them out...before he speaks. I admire that.

J'aime être avec lui. Vendredi nuit après que le dîner nous soit revenu à ma maison et rai entre eux doucement jusqu'à ce que nous soyons tombés endormi dans mon livingroom. Je ne peux pas exactement décrire à quel point nous intimes nous sentons à ces moments. Quelque chose d'amour et de confiance purs, tomber endormi dans les someones arme, se sentant si bloquée. Je l'aime tellement. Je n'ai tellement jamais senti l'amour


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