Saturday, January 10, 2004

Its cold outside
The kind of cold that kills. Killer Cold. Its like...7 f. why does it have to be so cold? What function in nature does SUCH severe cold serve?

Tonight Bernie invited me to attend a "coffeehouse" (sort of a talent show) at the highschool where he teaches. I was happy to go with him..really glad he invited me. Ironically, I was having a conversation with my friend stacie regarding a fellow whom she had recently, "given the shoe"...she states...." he kept me around like the just in case girl Never introduced me to his friends.

That made me think. I haven't met anyone from Bernie's life. I started to feel a bit dismayed. He isnt a big socializer nor does he have a large close family as I do...but it was making me think. if he read my mind...(as he often can do) he called an invited me to this function, a somewhat public situation, co-workers and students. It was interesting to see him wearing his teacher hat. He is very firm, yet still relaxed. Energetic, bright...alive... So, I don't have that feeling any more.

Not that I doubted Bernie, ever. Bernie is the clearest soul I have ever met. I love that about him. He is genuine. He is vastly intelligent, yet uncomplicated by mental minutia. I love having conversation with him. Listening to him talk. The sound of his voice. I ask him open ended questions just to hear his free-thinking opinions. I love him...I can't help it.


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