Sunday, January 11, 2004

This weekend was interesting. I spent most of it with my sister in law Laura, mostly listening. I created a fine meal, and now I know what that dal soupy thing is that is served over rice at Sirtaj. I purchased most of the key spices for Indian cuisine and have found that it is not so mysterious. I look forward to further discovery.

So, I bring the food over to Bernie's house and he put on a CD of Ravi Shankar Ragas. I was wearing a themed outfit as well. We should have lit up a Nag Champa for the full effect. It was quite a hypnotic evening even without it.

I am seriously considering changing some of my wardrobe to include a Sari. There is a shop on 6th Ave called, "Royle Sari" next week I'd like to stop in...I think they sew custom Saris. The fabrics are incredible. I could probably sew my own...they don't seem all that complicated.

Ill need to bring my sewing machine for service.

well....tomorrow comes early...up and out to gotham. Good night, Gentle Reader.


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