Friday, January 23, 2004


so Im sitting here, eating wild yam soba noodle and mung bean sprouts with shrimp and ginger soy...okay. And I am thinking about all the things I am able of doing, that bring me much joy...that I never seem to have time to do...and this has to change.

The other night I asked Bernie "What are you passionate about" He gave me a list of things...none of which he ever does...and that is fine, because when you are a becomes apparent...that you have no time to do anything your really WANT to do...sacrifice is the name of the game....your life becomes clogged up with all the stuff you HAVE to do and less of anything that we used to be passionate about. Unless you are passionate about laundry and dishes and grocery shopping and so on and so on and so on.....

BUT doesnt have to be this way! I hereby submit a list of thing I want to do...AGAIN.

~sew (Ill be you didnt know that I can make clothes)
~watercolors (Ill bet you didnt know that I can paint...although I havent tried to even DRAW since my right arm was operated I may not be able to paint :(
~cook great foods...well, I do this...I love nothing more than discovering a far out cuisine and recreating it in my kitchen....its like I get into the ZONE and no one can approach I have easy access to large knives and boiling pots of you really want to stay away.)
~Knit ...I used to knit when I was a young girl. Its fun and relaxing. I could do this on the train....why dont I?

Im glad that I keep current with music. I think its hilarious when you meet someone my age (42) who still....when you ask them what their listening to says......The Beatles and Pink Floyd.

Im glad that I keep fairly current with modern authors.
I wish I didnt have to spend so much time concerned with my aging physicality. I hate what is happening to my body.
otherwise, life is good.

I am passionate about life in general about love and motherhood.

So, what are you all passionate about?
tell me...Id like to start a poll of what makes people happy.


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