Thursday, February 26, 2004

About 8-10 years ago for about 4 years of my life.... I went through my "search for the meaning of life" phase.

Read all the self-help books, participated all sorts of new-age therapy, self-help groups, 12-step programs, got into herbs, macrobiology, vegetarianism, meditation, yoga,running, researching all the world religions for true "God", asking all the great philosophical questions that have baffled human beings since the dawn of time. Basically looking for something to fill the spiritual void in my life.

Do you know what I found out?
There is only one true gage: The Gut. learning to read your own intuition is the natural key to what is good "quality". We all know, intinctively, what is good or evil.
There is only one way to live Blind Faith. learning to trust and depend on a Higher Power brings inner strength. Don't intellectualize draws from the entire nature of the mystery. Either believe or don't, but don't argue about its exsistance. Believe in yourself, also, but not without humility and the absence of ego.
The is a natural law: Karma or: "What goes around, comes around" Every action has an equal reaction. Also known as the "Golden Rule"

The greatest power on Earth is Love
The greatest crippler on Earth is Fear

Everything is subjective. No experience is the same for everyone. Your idea of good and evil is different than mine. Your God is different than mine. However, three constants remain....LOVE and its nemisis: FEAR. With Love there is no Fear with Fear there is no Love. KARMA or the GOLDEN RULE pertains to everyone: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

This is where I feel comfortable. Much eleboration can be made on each of these tenents. But my search is over for this phase in my life. Day to day exsistance feeling comfortable in my skin is happiness to me. Knowing that I will not fall, nor fail...having great love in my life. Feeling that yes, I've made mistakes but its all part of the esssence of me. Thats it.
Live and let live.


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