Saturday, May 08, 2004

Creepiest Movie

Man, does anyone remember Creature Feature on Channel 11 on Saturday nights or was Chiller Theater on Channel 11 and Creature Feature on channel 5?? I saw the scariest movie ever one summery Saturday evening. My Uncle Geo and Aunt Peg would babysit us on Saturday nights sometimes and always let us watch the Creature Features. The Beast had Five Fingers was clearly the most horrifying movie. I don't go for scary flicks...never saw the Exorcist or Damian or any other 70's favs. I did see Silence of the Lambs which totally creeped me out for days and swore me off scary since.

Bernie's Mom reminded me of the Beast had Five Fingers, I always thought of that movie as "The Hand" I guess because it features a hand (the beast with five fingers...get it?) that will stop at nothing to avenge a death or something.

Now this is no ordinary bodiless hand, mind you. This is no "THING" (thank you, Thing) This is a hand hell bent on destruction and will stop at no cost to attain its twisted goal.

ugh...I'll never forget how SCARED I was after seeing that one.

I'm trying to get my hands on a copy. If you happen to finger one, be sure to palm it off on me.


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