Sunday, May 23, 2004

Weekend Update

Friday: Prom was fun.... to get dressed up. The bottoms of my feet hurt from my sequined pumps. Weird, the ARCHES of my feet hurt. Bernie and I went to a pretty interesting club in West End after, called: Mixx.

Saturday: Drove the kids around ALL DAY. I was exhausted from the night before, but what can ya do? Bernie did a fantastic job on the yard, then we took the kids to see SHREK II.

Sunday: Feeling REALLY hormonal today. Did lots of housework. Threw away 3 bags of crap..which I do every weekend. I don't know HOW I manage to accumulate 3 large green garbage bags full of crap to throw out each weekend, but I do. Then we went to Bernies for grilled filet mignon, poolside.

When I came home I broke into a horrible case of HIVES. This happens to me occassionally. I dont know if its the consumption of Beef that does it, because it has happened to me after consuming Beef before...or nerves. I had a few weird things happen today. Very upsetting. Nerve-wracking (sp) I'm still feeling pretty creepy...all swollen and blotchy and itchy. I think I caught it in time though, took some tylenol PM which has the same ingrediets of Benedryl. Its HOTT inside my house. Good night.


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