Monday, August 30, 2004

Its all coming together.

Our wedding is taking shape. We have our minister, a woman who is very interesting, a Unitarian Universalist Minister. Im all into her philosophy. We were mulling over various symbolic participatory events to help our children feel a part of things. You see, I wanted to elope. Bernie thought and rightfully so that the children would want to be a part of the festivities. I've never been big on weddings. I think most are tacky, showy formula affairs based on more what "other people" will think rather than focusing on the marriage between two people, two lives joining. To me this seems deeply personal and sacred. I'm almost too selfish, not wanting to share this moment with anyone other than my beloved.

He is right though. The children WANT so much to be a part of the ceremony and they should be as we are not marrying only each other...we are marrying two separate families into one.

We are lucky, in a dark sort of way...that there are no ex-spouses for us. We have been truely alone for years raising our children and now we come together for ever after.

I'm glad that we are not bound by any sort of religious constraints. We are taking global traditions and creating our own unique ceremony. I love that we are both open-minded an respect many cultures. Nothing irks me more than narrow-minded-ness.

I've taken a week off from work to focus on the details of our wonderful wedding day.


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