Friday, October 22, 2004

Whenever I think my life is too hectic, too much…too big. I think of all there is to be grateful for. It’s such a sad statement this new generation of people living behind screens. Bernie’s sees this everyday with the children he teaches at High Technology High School.

I work for a company that’s mission statement is to takeAmerica Offline . This is the curse of the affluent naturally. I’m sure there are plenty of po’ folk that still know how to have a good time down to the Elks or go fishing John down the lane. Ladies still go to church socials and kids play ball in the vacant lot. We’ve managed for thousands of years without internet technology and I’m quite certain the human condition of community is instinctual.

It’s so pathetic that there has to be institutions to teach people how to interact with each other. Tomes are written on the subject. Fortunes are gained preying on loneliness.

I live in sort of a technological vacuum. We are equipped with 7 computers of various languages on three wifi floors. Each room also has cable TV and wicked stereo. There are six people living here (mom, dad and four children), a dog and a cat on ten acres of woods set back from the main road. Life is so big….so much family so much activity…so much laundry!

For this I feel blessed. I will never know loneliness.

I’m a self-proclaimed hermit. I hate to leave home. I’ve managed to work a deal where I work from here, helping people out there….meet each other. I don’t think I could even tolerate neighbors. Trixie upstairs or Betty over the stone wall in the back yard.

I bothers me that Hollywood dictates how a familyshould be. How lovers “should” interact with each other. Why are we measured by our plethora of friends and how we influence people?

Don’t get me wrong. I am social. I have a great way of making people feel comfortable, mostly by being as down to earth as possible. I make no excuses for who I am. My life has been a series of gut reactions….mistakes mostly, adventures? Definitely. I love people. Everyone has worth. Everyone has a basic need to be heard and validated, no matter how bizarre the personal belief system is. I love listening and discovering how people get to where they are and why.

My brother Chris likens me to a cat….no matter what, I land on my feet. I’ve reinvented myself many times. My belief system has evolved with every new experience. My only intolerance is for those intolerant. Or blamers. Nothing worse than the blame game. There is something wrong with the character of a person who cannot take responsibility for their mistakes. Fear? Most likely. Laziness? Probably.


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