Tuesday, September 07, 2004

I wonder about people who have blogs but never write in them, or stop writing for no apparent reason...or the worst...stop writing because of some blogmaspheric arguement with another blogger. I've seen it happen within the Fotolog community. People getting so passionate about some odd menutia or a message board arguement that the feel compelled to FLEE the community...a community where 8 times out of 10 there is no real bonafide human contact. Living in a world of make-believe. I think its hilarious how some folks develop Internet Muscle. Working in a field where I see a lot of mad dash email, it never ceases to amaze and/or entertain me. Oh well. I promise to blog more real words. I tend to get into lyric or poetry jags.

somtimes, especially at night, as I ride through the darkness, the sputtering of my failing volvo the only sound to be heard, I start to create blog worthy topics. Whole paragraphs form in my mind, only to be lost by the time I sit down to write. I had a good habit going last winter whereas I would take notes of possible blog subjects and revisit them nightly. I suppose that IS a better winter activity. In the summertime, who really wants to sit around, day or night on the PC thinking about things to blog about? I'd really rather be out doing thing to talk about rather than trying to create scenarios that can sometimes be danger in writing.

anyway, its just past one AM and I really need to rest. ciao bellas.


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