Wednesday, December 17, 2003

Today I missed the 7:30 train..but caught the 8:00 and the ironic thing today was that the 7:30 train broke down and we had to take everyone on we were again PACKED OUT. Its kinda scary sometimes. I am a bit clostrophobic and I start thinking about detrailments when we are all packed in like sardines in these long metal cans.

Its teeming rain. I was completely soaked when I arrived at my office. My umbrella is broken too. Bill said he will bring me in a replacement, since his Dad is a train conductor and one of the perks is getting a million umbrellas that people leave on the train..hehee...kinda ironic again.

I am wearing my new hobnail sneakers. black sort of basketball looking flatish featuring the knobby sole. Great for rain...they elevate me off the pavement.

Well...enough for now..back to calling 100 restaurants in Iowa. No..maybe I will go home. bye.


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