Friday, December 26, 2003

What a mess!Day after Christmas...I don't feel like cleaning it up. I feel like taking a shower and going to another party!

Dinner last night was pretty good...I was distracted at the bitter end and my kids decided to poke fun at most of the menu items but hey...these are the memories.

I remember holiday horror meals. Italian items not found anywhere else and truly replusive.

I give you...Baccala. Dried Salted Cod that is reconstituted and stewed into a fishy stew. Tripe. Yes...the stomach wall of a cow. scungilli...conch...and other oddities of the sea.

Somehow, cold potato soup and strawberries with vinegar on them pale in comparison. WIMPS!

So...I have mountains of gingerbread boys and a half-eaten house....gangs of peppermint and gobs of chocolate. Silver, crystal and spode to sort through.

Not so bad. I've felt WAY worse on this day. I owe most of my elevated mood to Bernie. Thank you for everything, my love...You've made this season bright.


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