Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Whacky Wednesday

Today I had a few odd things happen today. First, I woke up late and couldnt find a parking spot for the bus. I parked my car in a lot near a gas station hoping I wouldnt get a ticket. Yesterday I paid nearly $300 in old parking tickets from Little Silver. Anyway....I passed out immediately on the bus. I walked the 20 odd blocks to my office. Random: I have this feeling sometimes, usually in the morning crowd on 7th ave...that we are all on autopilot and our spirits are moving us through the crowd. I love how everyone flows. work, work, work. Weird stuff going on there.

After work I packed up a few items from my desk. One being a kinda hideous christmas grab-bag gift of a "family" photo frame. I tucked it into my knapsack, assured that I would toss it out when I reached my destination.

I headed down into the subway to find no more trips left on my Metro Card. I tried to buy a new one, but the vending machine didnt accept bills and wouldnt accept my ATM card for some odd reason. Suddenly panic stricken, (I didnt want to miss my bus!) I march full-steam from 25th to 42nd St. up 8th Ave.

I made it! yah! So, Im standing on the cue waiting for the 556 express to Freehold Mall and I reach into my bag and pull out the frame (it was blocking my purse) . An elderly hispanic woman complimented me on the frame. I gave it to her. She was over-joyed! Finally! a place to put the pictures of my granddaughter! yay! She tell me all about her commute with is WORSE than mine. WAY worse. Anyway....

The driver of the 556 is really irratic. One time he drove us through the side and back streets of Hoboken to avoid traffic. Today was one of those days. I board the bus, settle in with a fresh copy of the APP and start reading.. We are motoring along the NJ Turnpike when suddenly I look up....."Milltown, NJ" is listed on a water tank in the distance. MILLTOWN? This is close to New Brunswick...which is NO WHERE NEAR where we should be right now!

I start to panic slightly....Did I board the wrong bus? No! of course not! I always take the same bus....then wait....has this bus driver decided to commandere us all to Wilmington DE? We're getting closer to the Burlington Bristol Bridge. Finally he turns off at exit 8 and heads west.
We make it home...I was on the right bus, but why he decided to take the turnpike all the beyond me.

I think I am tired and Im going to bed.


Blogger William said...

Isn't that the best, making someone else happy without needing to give away anything of purpose to yourself...

July 22, 2004 at 5:37 AM  

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