Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Stones taught me to fly
Love taught me to cry
So come on courage...
Teach me to be shy
It's not hard to fall
I don't wanna scare him
It's not hard to fall
And I don't wanna lose
It's not hard to grow
When you know
that you just don't know

Monday, April 26, 2004

cam busted...again.

Yes my bogus HP hit the skids when johnnie inadvertently knocked it off my desk while I was uploading...its SMASHED.

I never liked that camera anyways.

Bernie is letting me borrow his totally awesome Sony Cybershot 4.1 until I get an new one (or at least for a few days)

Its wonderful having a partner who knows...even if he doesnt share my devotion to photography, can understand I have a passion for "it" (creativity) It takes many forms but the most satisfying and gratifying now...due to the time constraints of life..IS...Digital Photography.

Thanks for understanding and bringing a joyful outlet to my life.

Sunday, April 25, 2004

fresh and soft was this morning.
not to chilly (chilly for spring - brisk for autumn)
in my April Cornell I saunter the grounds
hearing morning, seeing life beyong the darkness of winter

coffee cup in one hand
daffodils in the other
water fowl at the lake
song birds in the trees

violets are here
wild strawberries
periwinkle and myrtle creep

clearest of air
pureness, sweetness of
country life

vibrant and verdent
billowing blue
damp earth beneath

infant rabbits
broken eggshells
oaks leaves the size
of squirrel's ears.

Wretched FUNK

I fall into it
wade around

and all is well.

left blotchy and dehydrated
life beyond its terms.

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

quick somebody, say something...something...someting...

Infinate sadness shallow deep

arms and distance endless sleep

she cries at night

for mythical memories

the shape of his chin

the yellow backlight in his eyes


when someone takes your soul
its forever.

there is no soul left in me.

take my heart
you'll not take my mind

Sunday, April 18, 2004

So Fast Weekend.

Wow, I can't believe its Sunday night already. What a great weekend, weather wise. Otherwise, I did lots of running around with the girls shopping for spring clothes (for them). Its so fine to feel the warmth of spring. I think I'll start running/walking in the woods tomorrow morning.

Thursday, April 15, 2004

Reminding those who need it that music is meant to transcend the squalor of everyday living. I submit to you:


Fortunately or not, its been featured in a few movies. I think its the main theme for Platoon....Somthing about its haunting suggestion:

Put on your earphones, close your eyes and feel....

New Homepage for Fotolog

I just love
I've been posting photos there for a year and a half now. I have my current work situation (which really doesnt feel like work....) through Fotolog. I came upon Fotolog from a blogspot. I came upon blogger from
Hingefactor's site I think.

Anyway...Fotolog has been a source of great joy, artistic expression, good community and has improved my life.
Fotolog....has in a way, improved my life.

Fotolog, I salute you!

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

The Little Silver Sugar Stealer

Every morning (on the mornings I venture to gotham to earn my keep) I board the NJ Transit express at Little Silver. There is a lovely woman who serves up delicious Kobricks coffee ("you know, they serve this brand at Mumfords and the NJ PAC")
Sometime between the 7:15 am train and the 7:58...someone steals all the sugar packets the lovely woman provides for our coffee drinking pleasure. Not only the sugar, they take the Sweet n Low, Equal and Splenda, too.

Almost every morning, I bring her the sweetner-less containers. "Looks like they struck again!" I say...with dismay, as she hands me a packet of Splenda. "One day I'll catch them in the act!" she vows. I say, "Why not simply keep the sugar where you can see it?" Or better yet, dole it out as necessary.

I suppose by paying the $1.80 per large cup of delicious Kobricks coffee (served with pleasure @ Mumfords and the NJ PAC) Folks should be able to endulge in as much sweetener as they like...?

I have theories, of course. Could it be the guy in the Jeep who blasts the Grateful Dead? Could it be one of the South American ladies who disembark each morning from the north-bound train....the nannies and housekeeper of this affluent berg? Could it be one of these polished, poised businessman who simply harbors a secret thrill for stealing sugar packets? The possibilies are endless.

Topics to ponder and proficiently pontificate upon...... later tonight:

The Little Silver Sugar Stealer

Ode to an Electric Blue Duster

Leather Levis

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

"A thing long expected takes the form of the unexpected when at last it
comes." Mark Twain

Monday, April 12, 2004

There are so many interesting blogs out there. I should try and make this an interesting blog again. Tomorrow.

Thursday, April 08, 2004

I've tried to live my life alone
Independence, freedom was my own
But there was a loneliness I could not ignore
I knew deep down I needed more
In my life I needed a feeling
Of a love to come over me
I felt the truth and so I prayed for

Someone like you to hold my hand
Someone like you to understand
Someone like you to stand by me
All my life, someone like you

I remember laying eyes on you
After we spoke deep inside I knew
I can feel the happiness your soul brings to me
Your presence makes my world complete
And I know you know what I'm feeling
Love coming over me
And it's true, what I've waited for, your sweet and precious love

I felt there was an emptiness
I didn't know what was missing
I didn't know how to quench it
You are the answer to all my prayers
You are the one that I needed
You are the one I believe in

Wednesday, April 07, 2004


Tuesday, April 06, 2004

hey so today I received the "unsung hero" award at work. Its Meetup's answer to "employee of the month" I was shocked and flattered. I can't sleep again. Its almost 1am. darn. took a warm bath, had some milk...nothing. read all the banal and incredulous posts on the fotolog discussion board. I swear, those folks need to get a life. oh well, its nothing if not entertaining.

Sunday, April 04, 2004

Don't forget to be kind.

The world we live in can be lonely. If our lives are happy and fufilled its easy to forget those who are maybe not less fortunate, but lonely. depression is a terrible thing. I have a few friends who are single and alone and showing them kindness and having them accept and appreciate is a heart warming feeling. Just because someone may appear, on the outside, well-off and content....its not always the case. Don't forget small kindnesses.

Today is
Palm_Sunday The gospel today will be the re-telling of the Passion of the Christ. Its the longest mass of the year, however, the most important. Most people think they are doing themselves a favor by going to mass on Easter or Christmas. Nope, Palm Sunday is the day, plus you get lovely parting gifts.

As a girl I would love making mini-palm crosses during the reading of the passion. I don't know why, but being catholic, with all of its dogma and issues still seems very mysterious and holy to me. Maybe its the frankenscense. The ritual makes me feel like I'm taking part in something ancient.

Nothing much to say, feeling very un-motivated this weekend. Just taking it slow. Having my period on the weekend is totally ruining things, plus...everyone is full of snot. Why don't 11 year old boys want to get the ton of green goo OUT of their heads? He's up to his 4th tissue load at this writing.

Thursday, April 01, 2004

Interesting photographic essay
Haiti turns 200


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